Endolite India Marathons and Runs 2016

Endolite India Marathons and Runs 2016
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During 2016 the Endolite India team took part in a variety of sporting events across the country.

Delhi Marathon 2016

Delhi2A 25km Marathon 2016 was organized by AIRTEL on 20-Nov-2016 at Delhi Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium. Beside the normal runners there was a run of 4 KMs for physically challenged.
Endolite India participated a team of Ten listed below of its High Active fitted patients along with 10 attendants from Endolite. The event was Mr. Rajendra Kumar, Regional Manager (North).

  1. Mr. Gautam Jain                         Chandan Sublani (Jaipur Patient)
                                                                           EIL Brand Ambassador
    2.     Mr. Rajendra Kumar                           Col. Ravinder Singh (Delhi Patient)
    3.     Mr. Nalini Ranjan Pradhan                Priyanka Sharma (Delhi Patient)
    4.     Ms. Samina Khan                               Gopesh Swarnkar (Delhi Patient)
    5.     Mr. Gaurav Sainger                             Anubhav Mehta (Delhi Patient))
    6.     Ms. Ekta                                                Vikas Tyagi (Delhi Patient)
    7.     Ms. Kapil Kaushik                               Chandershekhar Mokade (Bhopal Patient)
    8.     Mr. Rakesh Kumar                              Sonu Kumar (Delhi Patient)
    9.     Ms. Kiran Sharma                               Bhupender Sharma (Jaipur Patient)
    10.   Ms. Asha Kumari                                Anjana Rani (Delhi Patient

 The event was well organized and the Endolite Team received a warm applause from the spectators. Media coverage was there in 15 newspapers across All over India. All participants were awarded medals, after the event they all went to Indraprastha Park for the photo session along with the videos taken during their activities as professional photographer was arranged for the same. During the run our participants carried 2 Banners along with the EIL Stickers to highlight Endolite.

The event has enhanced EIL image and given it wide publicity.

Kolkata Marathon 2016

Kolkata1A 25km Marathon 2014 was organized at Kolkata by Tata Steel on 18-Dec-2016 (Sunday). Beside the normal runners physically challenged participated in the run.

Endolite India fielded a team of Eight listed below, of its fitted patients. The field was co-ordinate by Mr. Rahul Dokania, Regional Manager (East).

  1. Rahul Dokania-             Md. Afzal Khan (Kolkata Patient)
    2.         Simi Ghosal-                                        Mr. Arijit Dasgupta (Kolkata Patient)
    3.         Pratichi Mohapatra-                             Mr. Soummajit Bhadra (Kolkata Patient)
    4.         Indrani Bhattacharya-                         Mr. Biswanath Nath (Kolkata Patient)
    5.         Sayanta Das-                                      Mr. Sourav Biswas (Kolkata Patient)
    6.         Iquebal Khan-                                      Mr. Sanjit Banik (Kolkata Patient)
    7.         Debarati Paul-                          Mr. Kapil Loghani (Kolkata Patient)
    8.         Mukesh Kumar-                                   Mr. Sanjit Banik (Kolkata Patient)
    9.         Suchanda Goswami-                         Mr. Master Ruparba Saha (Kolkata Patient)

The event was well organized and the Endolite Team received a warm applause from the spectators. All the participants were awarded medals after the event.

Swachhability Run- 2016

Swatchabilityrun1A ‘Swachh-Ability Run 2016’ being organized in seven cities, over seven days which was during 27-Nov-2016 till 4-Dec-2016 culminated with the last 10 Km run at Pathways School, Noida. Endolite India participated a team of Six listed below of its High Active fitted patients along with 8 attendants from Endolite. The event was organized by Mr. Rajendra Kumar, Regional Manager (North). The Indian Blade Runner Major DP Singh was the chief Organizer who is Endolite’s Old Patient. Endolite was the Rehabilitation Partner of the Event & we sponsored Rs. 1 Lakh for the event.

  1. Mr. Gautam Jain                         Gopesh Swarnkar (Delhi Patient)
    2.     Mr. Rajendra Kumar                           Col. Ravinder Singh (Delhi Patient)
    3.     Mr. Gaurav Sainger                             Priyanka Sharma (Delhi Patient)
    4.     Ms. Samina Khan                               Sonu Kumar (Delhi Patient)
    5.     Ms. Kiran Sharma                               Anjana Rani (Delhi Patient                                   
    6.     Ms. Mamta Kumari                              Vikas Tyagi (Delhi Patient)
    7.     Mr. Rakesh Kumar                             
    8.     Mr. Kapil Kaushik                               

The event was well organized and the Endolite Team received a warm applause from the spectators. All the participants were awarded medals after the event.

The event has enhanced EIL image and given it wide publicity.

The professional photographer was arranged for the photo session and videos for the event. During the run our participants carried 4 Banners, 2 Standees, 2 Selfie Stand Frame to highlight Endolite. For Business Promotion Marketing Materials such as Mouse Pads, Endolite Booklets, Folded Leaflets of LEP, UEP & Orthotic were distributed. ISHWAR Mobile van accompanied for any necessary Prosthetic & Orthotic adjustment on the spot.